Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Red Squeaky Push-up Bra

As I was getting ready to go to my friend's four year old daughter's birthday party I knew today was in fact going to be a sexy day. Now let's be realistic, big girls who were once perfectly proportioned Barbie Dolls do not have sexy days often. Most of the time they feel like their jiggly butt is folding over and eating all the elastic of their plain granny-panties. And that someone, somewhere, has got to be pointing and laughing at them, even if it's just the voices in their head. But YES! Today was a sexy day.

Maybe it was because I put on my bright red squeaky push-up bra. If I move just right the fabric rubs on the underwire and it squeaks. I'm surprised that someone hasn't asked if I have a mouse in my bra. The last time I owned a red push-up bra was in junior high when my boobs started as a cup size B and ended up as a cup size C by the end of the day. All I have to say is that I'm glad they didn't continue to grow at that rate because toping out at 40DD already poses problems for me, mostly acting as a second table surface that is closer to my mouth. I am 99.9% sure that I can somehow blame my inability to loose weight on them. But I remember the days I wore this red bra, and hung out with all my guy friends, and felt as though I not only had confidence but I somehow control their every move. Even today I felt as though I am the alpha in my marriage

It's as though the red bra has more power than all super heros combined. Not a single black bra can come close to compete with the red bra. I don't really get it. But I do know that with the boost I get from my red bra is not only a boost to my chest, but also to my confidence. And even though my husband still fines my granny-panty eating butt attractive, today I actually feel like it. Who knows, maybe tonight he will actually get lucky. ;-)


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