Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Showing A Little Leg!!!

I have been absent from my blog writing how sad! I'm sorry to those of you who have enjoyed reading my rants... Sadly so much has been going on in my little world that I have gotten side tracked. Like a 1st birthday of my little monsters. (I am now officially doomed. They say if you don't loose the fat by the baby's first birthday that you will never be able to take it off. Who are they exactly? Because in case they didn't notice I had the fat long before I had the baby(s).)

So summer is officially here and a part of me really hates it. When you are this fluffy, in this weather, I swear sometimes all you have to do is look cross-eyed and you can break into a sweat. I have had this urge, so far this summer, to go swimming like none other. It's weird because I really haven't wanted to go swimming in at least 8 years. Not only that, but I haven't worn shorts in about 6 years. That's when I started gaining all the weight thanks to my Ticking P.C.O.S. Time Bomb.

But it is something about this summer, every time I see a pool I just want to jump in it. And I broke down and finally bought a pair of shorts. Granted they are the long kind with cargo pockets, but I really like those kind of shorts anyway, and they happen to look great on me. They come down just past my knee to hide the fact that I have sausage legs. You know the type where you can't even tell there is a joint amongst all the fluff? I think my legs and my once perfectly flat stomach are the two places that kill me the most when I look at them. GRRRR.

So I thought that I would finally go running a few days ago to realize that the stroller was in the back of David's car, and I won't mention why it is that I haven't tried to go running since. *couLAZINESSgh* Then I thought well I could defiantly go tomorrow morning, but I realized that I can't. I don't have a sports bra... seriously, forget giving myself black eyes I would knock my head clear off!!! So that is once again postponed. :-(

Today I had to go to the General Practitioner for a UTI. Ick. I also told her that I stopped taking my birth control because how it affects not just my energy level my libido too. While I was there I talked with her about my PCOS and using Metformin as a way of aiding my body in not only keep PCOS under wraps but also being able to jump start my weight loss since I have evidently hit my permanent plateau. I am exercising and eating a proper diet but these things alone are not getting me over my hump. So with that said, after my yummy dinner, I will be walking my fluffy butt to the pharmacy to pick up my new prescriptions.
