Friday, December 30, 2011

Dinner is served!

And on tonights menu, crow. Ok so for this to make any sense you need to read the blog previously posted. Go ahead I'll wait... ... ....

.... ....

Crazy right?!?!? Well the plot thickens... and so does my hair. I need to clear a few things up about my last post.

1. When it felt like my abdomen/cysts exploding, that was actually my ovaries, are you ready for it, ovulating on their own.

2. Yes I was loosing my hair, literally and yes, it was due to hormones. But not at all for the reasons I thought.

3. I am still steadily gaining weight, which in it's self is rather annoying considering all my hard work, but I can certainly deal with it.

4. I am eating crow, because not only am I evidently now a "fertile myrtle" but we are also pregnant again.

I would just like to say, we absolutely in no way shape or form planned this. It happened, in a heat of the moment kind of situation. So I am eating crow big time and feeling a tad bit sheepish about it. ^_^ Just thought that a proper update would have been appropriate.

Needless to say my weight loss has been put on hold once more. But you can follow my other blog at Life with Mumsie until I can pick this one back up again, then you should have two to entertain you.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Q: Did you hear the one about the butcher?

A: She's fat and balding. :-(

This PCOS crap is really make me mad! I'm gaining weight rapidly... again... and now my hair is falling out in clumps. I'm so sick of being plagued with this. I have so many things I need to worry about like, playing with my kids and being a confident woman for them to look up to. Instead, I'm doing exercise classes, going to the gym, starving myself and now spending extra time, whenever I can, in front of a mirror. Not because I'm being self righteous and fixing my makeup... but because I'm looking for bald spots on my head. :'-(

Tonight, I feel alone. Like no one can possible understand what I'm going through. I have an appointment with the endocrinologist on October 18th, but I feel like I'll be completely bald by then. Not to mention I feel like my abdomen is going to explode sometimes, most recently with the pain from the cysts. I've been having so many insanely weird things going on with my body and my OBGYN is treating me like I'm a hypochondriac... telling me to take tylenol and that it isn't anything to worry about...

REALLY??!?!?!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I know my body, and this stuff is really weird and not normal for me. I'm in severe pain most days and you're just gonna sit there collecting your $200k a year and tell me not to worry this is normal.... Suddenly now that my husband and I have decided that we will not be having more children, I'm not as important as the Fertile Myrtle in her 20's huh?

I'm alone and scared. The only people who can help me, I have to wait until the 18th to see or don't want to schedule to see me at all. If there is anyone out there reading this blog, I feel like I'm falling apart physical right now and there is no help or hope. This is the worst part of this weight loss journey for me. Working my tail off and not getting any results or hope of getting any results because of the little trickster living in my body known as PCOS.

I just want to be me again.


Thursday, September 8, 2011

From a potato sack to... jeans... and damn they look good!!!

So much has happened on this crazy journey in the short time since my last post.

Aunt Flo FINALLY came to visit me on her own without having to be drugged... I had a super "YAY!!" moment and then an "ahhh crap, are you freakin' kidding me?" moment as I came upon this realization at work, with nothing at my disposal to be hospitable to the old crone.

a.) The "YAY!" Moment
So this was great because I am starting to loose enough weight and my
hormones are starting to level back out to do these things on their own.
Which means good things for the PCOS. Maybe this means my body is finally
starting to take back control!

When Aunt Flo came whirling in she did it with force and destruction that Irene did all up and down the east coast. It didn't matter what I used to be hospitable to this twit of an Aunt... She wanted to make her mark... all over my nice clean jeans... Let me remind you that she showed up on the first day of three day work stint at work. This means I wasn't getting to laundry right away... so I HAD to buy more pants... But this is where this weight loss story gets good.

I brought in the typical size 16 and 18 jeans to try on. Most of the time in places like Target and Walmart I have to opt for the 18 because of how tight they are... I have never been a super fan of really tight jeans, on me or anyone else. That is something the 80's and 90's can gladly keep... Well I had been working my buns off at the gym and at ZUMBA so I thought I would try the 16's on first... I was soooo excited! I was able to pull the 16's up so fast I almost gave myself a wedgie!

I could have probably gotten the 14's and they would have been just as tight as they are typical suppose to be... stupid clothing industry, but I got the 16's instead. Let me say, in that moment I was so insanely proud of myself that I wanted to go to the gym again that night... but Auntie was being really dominating... so I had to put it on hold.

Even though my weight seems to be fluctuating a bit, clothing never lies to you the way a scale does. I'm pretty stoked about this new discovery and I hope that it keeps me motivated on this insanely difficult weight loss journey.

As for me right now, right this minute... off to sort through some stuff since we'll be moving within the next month and then to ZUMBA class tonight!


Friday, August 26, 2011

Woah! Did you see that? That was one fat hummingbird!!

I have felt like a hummingbird lately. Flitting from here to there. From there to ... where? EVERYWHERE! Like I mentioned in my last post, I'm working in the home outta the home and going to ZUMBA! and The gym.

Lately I haven't felt like I was getting anywhere... again... so I decided I needed to kick it up a notch! I've decided to get anywhere I need to go full speed even though I'm already doing so much. Every night afterwork I'm gonna go to the gym and give it my all. The kids will already be in bed so they won't miss me much more than they all ready do.

David may or may not suffer a bit though... I think he'll be ok. Time to himself, he won't have to leave house (his favorite) and in a few months I'll be skinny... I hope...

Tonight I went to ZUMBA! Which again I must say I totally adore. If anyone wants any info about it, let me know. While there I dripping in sweat! Yay, doesn't sweat mean you were actually working hard? But seriously, Leave a cold Pepsi bottle out in the sun... And thats me! Dripping on the outside and full of sugar on the inside!

It was about that time I thought, "you know, I'm kind of getting addicted to sweating and the energy burst I get from doing this thing called exercising." So I packed up and went straight to the gym. Lifted some weights, realized I am super weak and need to do that way more often. I used a cardio machine and made more body condensation, took a stationary bike ride to Facebook land, Sat up and laid down on a big bouncy ball 60 times stretched out from the night and called it quits!

Got home got some old clothes out. Size 16 jeans perfect fit. A tank and short night set... fits me waaay better than it did when I bought it! So that was a pretty rocking. It was also a nice confidence boost!

Here it is now 1 am and I'm still wide awake. That's what happens when I go to the gym at night... but I suppose that is one small price to pay for the body of a goddess. It's a good thing the price is so low... my credit sucks!

Well sweet dreams, and don't eat the cotton candy... they're sheep.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Purging the house... including the fat coat... still...

Well hello followers. It has been awhile huh? Doctors have a tendency to look down on you if you're pregnant and actively trying loosing weight. But, here I am, one kid more and realizing how insane it is have "3 under 3" and a house full of stuff. I've been purging a lot of duplicate things or things we will never use. Less for the twoddlers to get into and destroy.

But you didn't come here for that! You came here to listen to me talk about my fat coat. Which by the way I'm trying to purge but having a hell of a time doing. I call it my fat coat because of the way it makes me feel. You know those big long tundra down filled coats? Well that's what my fat makes me feel like, there fore the term fat coat was born.

Currently I am going to the gym, whenever I can squeeze it into my crazy schedule, I am also shaking my goods twice a week at my ZUMBA class! I am working nights/weekends part time, and sharing the Scentsy experience, so with caring for the zoo here at home, that doesn't leave too much time for exercise! I definitely couldn't do what I'm doing without my darling Hubs. Point being, the weight loss, despite eating well, is going very, very, VERY slow...

Oddly, I feel more accomplished and sexier... I'm thinking that this pregnancy had some great effects on my horomones... so here's hoping that it also effects my PCOS in a positive way... like making my PCOS symptoms completely disappear!

It's good to be back. Keep an eye out for updates on me donated my fat coat to someone who really needs it!
