Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The prego diet!

Yup. That's right, I'm pregnant with baby number 3. And let's just say so far it has not been a picnic! Loving two toddlers and a puppy is surely enough for any expectant, but then add a sad and costly mistakeby a nurse. What a week. I was told to quit my meds immediately since meds aren't safe during my first trimester. It seems that she didn't know the repercussions of stopping a SSRI cold turkey. In my situation this could of caused Sarotonin Syndrome! Google that one!

So needeless to say, I haven't been myself and haven't been able to make it to the gym. This really bums me out. I know it's Wednesday already, but I'm really hoping to get back there THIS WEEK! I just have no motivation... BOO! Here's to getting my butt back in gear.
