So sure some of you may think, "Shan you're going to do all that work to get your body as pre-baby as possible to just have to do it again? Well that's dumb!" Or is it? It is NOT healthy for me, or anyone, to weigh that much and have the added weight and stress on your body and also go through a pregnancy.
When I got pregnant with twinfants my body revolted by not allowing me to eat anything, the smell of everything was disgusting. I lost 30 lbs.... it was short lived as I started to live at Taco Bell in order to devour Grande Meal after Grande Meal.... hmmm that must be why I am so GRANDE! But seriously, I have PCOS so my ability to loose the weight is a little more difficult. "Insulin resistance causes your LDL and triglyceride levels ("bad" cholesterol) to increase, while decreasing your levels of HDL ("good" cholesterol). And since women with PCOS and insulin resistance already have a hard time with insulin production, the likelihood of developing diabetes is significantly increased. Furthermore, insulin resistance can contribute to weight gain and make losing weight difficult, which can be very frustrating for PCOS sufferers."
Enter Weight Watchers! Wow! I mean this is a no brainer. It isn't a "diet", it's a personal weight counselor. I don't have to buy 'Wendy Watchers' food totaling over $300 a month, plus the cost of other food for other, already, skinny people living in the same house. Instead I spend $300 or less on food a month for everyone in the house. They have helped me to "budget" my calories and to guilt me into exercising. ;-)
So my goal is to be at my target weight by the end of the year. 137 lbs I asked my husband to pick a number between 130 and 140 and this is the number he chose. (Thank God it was on higher end of the scale I don't think I could make it to 130) So now the rest of you can hold me accountable too!!!
With that said I need to go to bed to help that dent in my mattress become a little more permanent. God Bless, Sweet Dreams and take care!

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