Now before I describe what has been going on with me, NO I am NOT pregnant. I have taken two tests both negative, which is what I think makes this whole thing worse. Here are some of the things I have been experiencing.
- I'm three weeks late
- I'm starving all the time
- I'm craving carbs
- I'm exhausted
- Having terrible cramps
- Bloating beyond belief!
So yeah add frustration in there and I am just a barrel of laughs right now. I went from my starting weight of 218 to 212.2 which was great! I am doing the same things that I did then, now. Nothing has changed and yet as of this morning I weigh 219.8! I seriously wanted to take the scale and chuck it out the window! I mean come on, ugha.
At this point I am considering starting a Wii Fit Club. So at the very least if I don't loose weight at least my friends can. Oi Vey!